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[Elena], the descendant of [Etramu], created a place known as the [Maze Of Dimensions]! Inevitably, this great place became pillaged by [Kundun]. Damaged, the connecting dimensions were now incomplete. [Elena], over the many years, has restored a handful of the [Dimensional Gates], but many monsters still wander throughout the confusing labyrinth. She needs the strength of great warriors to complete the maze, and kill any monsters inside, to restore the place to its former state. Great rewards are offered for any brave warrior that can complete a floor of the maze!
![[Dimensional Gate]](
- Located in [Event Square] @(236, 58).
- Allows entry to [Maze of Dimensions].
- [Requirements]:
- [Elena's Letter] (x1), per instance.
- [Character Level]: [Level 400]
- [Quest]: [Master Quest]
![[Elena's Letter]]('s%20Letter.jpg)
- [Mini-game Ticket] item
- Dropped by monsters over [Level 110].
- Low [Drop Rate]
- Can be stacked up to (x10)
- Cannot be traded or sold in the [Personal Store].
- Cannot be stored in [Vault]
- It may be sold to any [NPC].
- The [Mini-game] takes place over the course of 4 weeks.
- During the first week, (x10) [Floors] are available to complete.
- Each week after, (x10) additional [Floors] become available to complete.
- There will be a total of (x41) [Floors] available to complete.
- You can complete [Floors] in any order.
- By completing [Floors], the character earns [Event Points].
- [Floors] can be repeated, but only half of the [Event Points] will be earned.
- [Floor] completetion record resets everyday @00:00 (UTC).
- Each [Floor] consists of 100 [Rooms]. (10x10)
- The [Mini-game] can be exited at any time via [Warp], or disconnect.
- When exited, all progress made on the [Floor] is lost.
- Rewards are sent to the [Gremory Case], and expire after (x7) days.
- The monsters that appear in the [Mini-game] do not drop items, except [Zen].
- [Gold Channel] [EXP Bonus] will not be considered inside the [Mini-game] map.
- A [Dimension Goblin] monster will appear if the character reaches the [Dimensional Portal] within (x10) [Rooms] or less.
- [Party] is not allowed.
- There is no limit to the amount of times any character can participate.
- Any character with a [PK Status] cannot enter the [Mini-game] map.
- Combat adjustments:
- No penalty upon character death.
- Other adjustments:
- [Town Portal Scroll] cannot be used.
- Upon death, or disconnect, characters are moved to the center [Room] of the [Mini-game] map.
- Characters can progress through different [Leagues] to earn greater rewards.
- There are four tiers of [Leagues]:
- [Bronze League]
- [Silver League]
- [Gold League]
- [Legendary League]
- All characters, during [Week 1], start in groups amongst the [Bronze League].
- The characters of each group will compete against each other in order to claim a [Rank] amongst their group.
- A character's [Rank] is based on the total amount of [Event Points] earned each week.
- Each week, on [Tuesday] @00:00 (UTC), [Ranking] will progress.
- Characters which hold [Rank 1] and [Rank 2] positions will progress onto the next [League] tier.
- Characters which hold [Rank 3] and [Rank 4] positions will remain in the current [League] tier.
- Characters which hold [Rank 5] position will be demoted into the previous [League] tier.
- Characters which hold [Rank 5] position in the [Bronze League] will remain in the [Bronze League].
- Characters which hold [Rank 1] and [Rank 2] positions in the [Legendary League] will remain in the [Legendary League].
- [League] groups will have up to (x5) characters in them, depending on the amount of players participating in the [Mini-game].
- At the end of [Week 4], rewards are distributed to characters based on their final [League] tier.
[Maze of Dimensions] map:
- The map is a maze of [Rooms] leading to other [Rooms] which you must explore.
- You'll spawn in the center [Room].
- Use [Room Portals] to move between rooms.
- The goal is to reach the [Dimensional Gate], which is the exit [Portal].
- The [Room] with the [Dimensional Gate] will always be shown on the [Mini-map].
![[Room] example](
![[Portal] created UI](
![[Minimap] example](

[Maze of Dimensions] start:
- You'll start in the center [Room] with at least one [Room Portal]. Go through it!
- Some [Rooms] will have monsters in them, while other [Rooms] will be empty.
- [Rooms] with monsters will require that you complete one [Mission] before you can proceed.
- After completing the [Mission], the [Room Portals] will appear.
- Monsters will continue to spawn, even after completing the [Mission].
- You'll want to make your way through the [Rooms], towards the [Dimensional Gate].
- The [Dimensional Gate] [Room] will have 5 [Missions] to complete.
Possible [Missions]:
- Kill monsters (x15).
- Kill monsters (x15) within 60 seconds.
- Deal a total of 1,500,000 [DMG] to monsters.
- Run the [MU Helper] for 60 seconds.
- Kill monsters (x15) without consuming any [HP] [Potion].
- Kill monsters (x15) without consuming any [MP] [Potion].
Tips & tricks:
- Always use the [Mini-map] to navigate towards the [Dimensional Gate] [Room].
- Don't AFK if you are trying to earn [Event Points].
- Use [Buff Items].
- Use [AoE] [Skills].
[Event Points]:
- [Event Points] can be earned by:
- Daily [Floor] completion:
- [Floor Difficulty] x (50 Event Points)
- Repeat [Floor] completion:
- [Floor Difficulty] x (25 Event Points)
- [Time Remaining Bonus]:
- ?
- [Daily Bonus] (first [Floor], each day):
- [Event Points] (x1,000)
- Killing the [Dimension Goblin]:
- [Event Points] (x2,000)
- Daily [Floor] completion:
Winning [Maze of Dimensions]:
- Steps to complete the [Mini-game]:
- Make your way to the [Dimensional Gate] [Room].
- Complete all 5 [Missions] in the [Dimensional Gate] [Room].
- When the [Mini-game] is won, the character earns rewards and [Event Points] towards [Maze of Dimensions] [Ranking].
By earning additional [Event Contribution], a character can increase the reward amount.
- ?

- [Combat Level]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [DEF Rate]: ?
- [Combat Level]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [DEF Rate]: ?
- [Combat Level]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [DEF Rate]: ?
- [Combat Level]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [DEF Rate]: ?
After winning the [Mini-game], a character will be rewarded with [Maze of Dimension Box] (x1) based on the character's [Event Contribution]. Rewards are sent to the [Gremory Case], and expire after (x7) days.
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Low)] (x3)
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Middle)] (x3)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x1)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x1)
- [Ruud] (x150)
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Low)] (x3)
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Middle)] (x3)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x1)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x1)
- [Ruud] (x200)
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Low)] (x3)
- [Bound] [Bless of Light (Middle)] (x3)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x1)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x1)
- [Bloodangel Soul] (x1)
- [Ruud] (x?)
After the [Maze of Dimensions] [Ranking] has ended, qualifying characters will be rewarded with [Mystery Maze of Dimension Box] based on the character's [League] and [Rank]. Rewards are sent to the [Gremory Case], and expire after (x7) days.
- [Mystery Maze of Dimensions Box] (x2)
- [Mystery of Dimensions Box] (x5)
- [Mystery of Dimensions Box] (x10)
Page updated October 18, 2024 || b2023.09.11.001
Owned by Izak Thompson
All Rights Reserved || Copyright © 2012 ~ 2025
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