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[Castle Siege] is the ultimate battle between MU's strongest guilds.
![NPC [Guardsman]](
- Located in [Valley of Loren] @(86, 60)
- Talk to NPC [Guardsman] to register for [Castle Siege].
- [Guild Members] may submit [Sign of lord] to him as registration.
![[Sign of lord]](
- [Mini-game Ticket] item
- Used as part of the registeration process of the [Arka War] and [Castle Siege] [Mini-game].
- Dropped by any monsters.
- Can be stacked up to (x255).
Story line about CS...
This [Mini-game] requires players to register in advance of the actual starting time of the [Mini-game]. [Guild Masters] can register their [Guild] by speaking with NPC [Guardsman], in the [Valley of Loren].
- [Guild Master]:
- Register [Guild] via NPC.
- [Guild Members]:
- Register [Sign of lord] via NPC.
This is a time line of the [Mini-game] process which takes place over the entire week, including its registration process. You must enter the [Mini-game] during its [Entry Period], which is up to 6 minutes prior to the listed start time. The [Entry Period] closes one minute before the [Mini-game] starts.
- [Sunday] @06:00 ~ [Monday]:
- [Guild Registration]
- [Guild Masters] must register their [Guild] during this period.
- The main [Guild] of a entire [Guild Alliance] must register for the entire [Guild Alliance].
- [Guild Masters] can register their [Guild] by talking to NPC [Guardsman].
- [Tuesday] ~ [Wednesday]:
- [Rank Registration]
- [Guild Members] must submit [Sign of lord] as a registration ticket.
- Three [Guilds] which have submitted the most [Sign of lord] during this period is chosen to participate in the [Mini-game].
- The status of the [Guild] rankings can be checked via NPC [Guardsman].
- [Thursday] @12:00 ~ [Thursday] @18:59:
- Participating [Guilds] are announced.
- [Thursday] @19:00 ~ [Saturday] @20:59:
- [Castle Preparation]
- The [Gates] and [Guardians] of the [Castle] can be upgrade during this period.
- [Archer] and [Soldier] can be placed in the [Castle] during this period.
- [Lifestone] can be placed in the [Castle] during this period.
- [Saturday] @21:00 ~ @23:00:
- [Castle Siege] battle begins!
- The [Guild] holding the [Seal of the Lord] at the end of this period will be determined the winner!
- Participating [Guilds] must have at least (x20) [Guild Members].
- Participating [Guilds] must have at least one [Guild Alliance] which may also participate.
- Only (x3) [Guilds] will be allowed to participate.
- Participating [Guilds] are determined based on the amount of [Sign of lord] submitted during the [Registration] process.
- A [Guild] cannot withdraw from the [Mini-game] after the [Registration] process.
- [Party] is allowed and can be formed inside the [Valley of Loren] [Map].
- Any character with a [PK Status] can still participate.
- Any character which is not part of a participating [Guild Alliance], during the [Mini-game], will still apply to normal [PVP] penalties.
- Combat adjustments:
- No penalty upon character death.
- No penalty for [PVP] combat.
- Other adjustments:
- Upon death, or when using [Town Portal Scroll], the character warps to an area of the [Valley of Loren] [Map], depending on which [Guild] the player is a part of.
[Valley of Loren] [Map]:
[Castle Preparation] period:
[Castle Siege] start:

Attacking the [Castle]:

Defending the [Castle]:
![[Seal of the Lord]](
[Castle Siege] tips & tricks:
Winning [Castle Siege]:
![[Seal of the Lord]](
- The [Map] is host to a large [Castle] and massive battlefield, with several large [Gates] blocking the path to actual entrance of the [Castle].
- The inside of the [Castle] is called the [Throne Room].
- The [Throne Room] is host to the [Seal of the Lord].
[Castle Preparation] period:
- During this period, the [Guild Master] can upgrade the [Castle] to improve their chances of holding the [Castle] during the battle.
- The [Castle Gates] can have their [HP] and [DEF] upgraded during this period.
- The [Guardian Statues] can have their [HP], [DEF], and [HP Recovery Amount] upgraded during this period.
- [Archer] and [Soldier] can be placed in the [Castle] during this period.
- A total of (x100) [Archer] and [Soldier] can be placed in the [Castle] during this period.
[Castle Siege] start:
- The attacking [Guild Members] are marked with a sword icon above the character.
- The defending [Guild Members] are marked with a shield icon above the character.
- The defending [Guild Members] will spawn inside the [Castle], while the attacking [Guild Members] will spawn in the battlefield of the [Map], outside the [Castle Gates].
- The attacking [Guild Members] may spawn closer in the [Map] if a [Lifestone] is used.

Attacking the [Castle]:
- The attacking team will need to work its way through the [Castle] by destroying [Castle Gates] which block the path.
- The attacking team will also need to destroy any [Guardian Statues] in order to deplete the barrier which blocks entry into the [Castle].
- When all [Guardian Statues] are destroyed, the attacking team will be able to invade the [Castle].
- Once inside the [Castle], the [Guild Master] must claim the [Seal of the Lord] in order to take possession of the [Castle].
- Once the [Seal of the Lord] is claimed, the attacking team will now become the defending team, and must continue to hold the [Seal of the Lord] until the end of the battle.
- If the [Seal of the Lord] is lost before the end of the battle, the roles reverse again, and there will still be a chance to claim the [Seal of the Lord] once more.
![Destroyed [Guardian Statue]](

Defending the [Castle]:
- The defending team must try to stop the attacking team from making their way through the [Castle].
- The defending team can do this by killing the attacking team as efficiently as possible.
- The defending team should protect the [Guardian Statues] and [Castle Gates] to prevent them from being destroyed.
- If the attacking team invades the [Castle], the defending team must act quickly to kill their [Guild Master] whom will be attempting to claim the [Seal of the Lord] in order to take possession of the [Castle].
- If the [Seal of the Lord] is claimed by the attacking team, the defending team will now become the attacking team, and must attempt to take back the [Seal of the Lord] before the end of the battle.
- If the [Seal of the Lord] is reclaimed before the end of the battle, the roles reverse again, and there will still be a chance for the attacking team to claim the [Seal of the Lord] once more.
![[Seal of the Lord]](
[Castle Siege] tips & tricks:
- Always upgrade the [Castle Gates] and [Guardian Statues] to the max possible upgrades.
- Use [Archer] and [Soldier] to help slow down the attacking team.
- Join a [Party].
- Use the [Dark Lord] [Summon] [Skill] to move an entire [Party] to areas of the [Map] quickly.
- The attacking team should use [Lifestone] as much as possible.
- The attacking team should rush the [Castle Gates] and take care of the [Guardian Statues] later.
Winning [Castle Siege]:
- The [Guild Master] of the [Guild Alliance] must claim the [Seal of the Lord] to win.
- The [Guild Master] can claim the [Seal of the Lord] by clicking it and holding it for 30 seconds.
- The [Guild] which holds the [Seal of the Lord] at the end of the battle will win.
![[Seal of the Lord]](
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
- [HP]: ?
- [ATK DMG]: ?
- [DEF]: ?
![[Guardian Statue]](
- [Level 0]:
- [HP]: 500,000
- [DEF]: 100
- [Level 1]:
- [HP]: 800,000
- [DEF]: 180
- [Level 2]:
- [HP]: 1,500,000
- [DEF]: 300
- [Level 3]:
- [HP]: 3,000,000
- [DEF]: 520
![[Castle Gate]](
- [Level 0]:
- [HP]: 400,000
- [DEF]: 80
- [HP Recovery Amount]: 0%
- [Level 1]:
- [HP]: 750,000
- [DEF]: 180
- [HP Recovery Amount]: 1%
- [Level 2]:
- [HP]: 1,300,000
- [DEF]: 340
- [HP Recovery Amount]: 2%
- [Level 3]:
- [HP]: 2,500,000
- [DEF]: 550
- [HP Recovery Amount]: 3%
- Crowned [Lord of MU].
- Control over the access to the [Land of Trials] [Map].
- Control over the [Tax Rate] of merchant NPCs.
Page updated October 18, 2024 || b2023.09.11.001
Owned by Izak Thompson
All Rights Reserved || Copyright © 2012 ~ 2025
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