Sebina, a great priestess of the Church of Devias, has received intel about the whereabouts of several sacred treasures that were stolen. She is seeking the help of a trusted warrior to help secure these sacred treasures. Speak with her to learn more about the situation and how you can help recover these sacred treasures.
This quest is not offered to the Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord, Grow Lancer, or Rage Fighter characters.
- You will need Zen x3,000,000.
- You can start the quest from level 150.
- Speak to Sebina the Priest to start the quest, located in Devias @(183, 32).
- You cannot skip the quest.
Rewards List:
The following is a list of all the rewards earned for completing the quest series.
- Stat Points x20
- Character class evolution:
- Dark Knight -> Blade Knight
- Fairy Elf -> Muse Elf
- Dark Wizard -> Soul Wizard
- Summoner -> Bloody Summoner
- Slayer -> Royal Slayer
- Gun Crusher -> Gun Breaker
- White Wizard -> Light Master
- Mage -> Wo Mage
- Rune Mage -> Rune Spell Master
A quest NPC. Sebina The Priest is a great priestess of the Church of Devias. She has a couple Quests to offer Tier 1 Character Class adventurers. Speak with her, after you have reache...
© muonlinefanz.comSebina The Priest says,
"The Scroll of the Emperor is a historical record which details the commemoration of peace by Muren Reksmilon. Muren was one of the three heroes that ended the chaos brought on by Sekneum's invasion, in which is what eventually created the great MU empire. With Sekneum's defeat, came great unity to the entire continent. The story inscribed in this record was blessed by ancient magics. By reading the story in the Scroll of the Emperor, anyone can gain additional abilities and powerful knowledge through its blessed magical powers."
"The four Treasures of MU were a gift to Muren, the emperor, from each existing ancient tribe, after the great battle of Sekneum. The Broken Sword was gifted by the Knights. The Elves bestowed the Tear of the Elf. The Wizard's Soul Shard was gifted by the Wizards. And the Abyssal Eye was gifted by the Summoners. These gifts were a symbol of loyalty, in order to improve relationships, and strive for unity throughout the continent. Each tribe inscribed their own excerpt into the Scroll of the Emperor, promising the empire peace and good intentions. These sacred treasures—priceless pieces of history—are of extreme value to the Church of Devias."
These quests are only available to Tier 1 characters who are at least level 150.
- Obtain item: Zen x1,000,000.
- Talk to NPC Sebina The Priest.
- Obtain item: Scroll of the Emperor.
- Talk to NPC Sebina The Priest.
Quest item drops in Dungeon:
Quest item drops in Atlans:
Quest item drops in Lost Tower:
- Stat Points x10

An image of the Scroll of the Emperor.
- Obtain item: Zen x2,000,000.
- Talk to NPC Sebina The Priest.
- Obtain quest item:
- Dark Knight: Broken Sword
- Fairy Elf: Tear of Elf
- Dark Wizard: Soul of Wizard
- Summoner: Abyssal Eye
- Slayer: ?
- Gun Crusher: ?
- White Wizard: ?
- Mage: ?
- Rune Mage: ?
- Talk to NPC Sebina The Priest.
Quest item drops in Atlans:
Quest item drops in Lost Tower:
Quest item drops in Tarkan:
- Stat Points x10
- Character class evolution:
- Dark Knight -> Blade Knight
- Fairy Elf -> Muse Elf
- Dark Wizard -> Soul Wizard
- Summoner -> Bloody Summoner
- Slayer -> Royal Slayer
- Gun Crusher -> Gun Breaker
- White Wizard -> Light Master
- Mage -> Wo Mage
- Rune Mage -> Rune Spell Master

Images of the quest items: Broken Sword, Tear of Elf, Soul of Wizard, and Abyssal Eye.
Owned by Izak Thompson
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