During the Kantur People's time, they ultimately discovered ways to create various new life forms from the power of a Jewel of Harmony. Via advanced biotechnology skills, they discovered that the basis of creating a new life form was held within the power of a Jewel of Harmony. However, a pure Jewel of Harmony was near impossible to come by in nature. Therefore, the Kantur People spent many long years developing a method to purify unrefined Gemstones. Through their experiments, they created the mighty Refinery Tower and successfully created a science to purifying Gemstones. However, their experiments would ultimately lead to their civilization's destruction. During Year 1870 of Lugard, the Kantur People had already been suffering from internal war when Kundun was resurrected and had attacked this place. The Kantur People were defeated quickly, however the Refinery Tower remains standing here and is fully functional.
- Requires character level 300 to enter or warp.
- Recommended for characters level 375 ~ 650.
- You can enter Refinery Tower by using the Gateway Machine @(140,186).
- Valued monster drops:
- Moonstone Pendant
- Bless / Soul / Life / Creation
- Excellent items
- Valued special monster drops:
- Box of Kundun
- Valued boss drops:
- Items +4 ~ +7
- Excellent items

Monster level 117
- Health: 87,500
- ATK DMG: 830 ~ 1,085
- ATK Rate: 1,080
- DEF: 865
- DEF Rate: 440
Monster level 118
- Health: 68,000
- ATK DMG: 1,168 ~ 1,213
- ATK Rate: 1,190
- DEF: 615
- DEF Rate: 485
Monster level 119
- Health: 94,000
- ATK DMG: 946 ~ 996
- ATK Rate: 1,015
- DEF: 783
- DEF Rate: 905
Monster level 130
- Health: 145,000
- ATK DMG: 1,040 ~ 1,085
- ATK Rate: 1,080
- DEF: 865
- DEF Rate: 440
Monster level 135
- Health: 400,000
- ATK DMG: 732 ~ 932
- ATK Rate: 2,000
- DEF: 315
- DEF Rate: 1,445
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: ? minutes
- ATK/WIZ DMG: ? ~ ?+
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- ?: ...
Hand of Maya...
Monster level 135
- Health: 350,000
- ATK DMG: 732 ~ 932
- ATK Rate: 2,000
- DEF: 800
- DEF Rate: 550
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: ? minutes
- ATK/WIZ DMG: ? ~ ?+
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- ?: ...
Hand of Maya...

Monster level 135
- Health: 1,500,000
- ATK DMG: 1,225 ~ 1,468
- ATK Rate: 2,000
- DEF: 1,000
- DEF Rate: 420
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: ? minutes
- ATK/WIZ DMG: ? ~ ?+
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- ?: ...
- This map has entrances to/from Kanturu Ruins
- You must have a Moonstone Pendant item equipped to enter the Refinery Tower.
- Moonstone Pendant can be obtained by killing any monster in this map.

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