Uruk Mountain is a dangerous area found on the Acheron island.
- Requires character level 300 to enter.
- Recommended for characters level 400 ~ 600.
- Monsters deal Elemental DMG, so you'll need a Pentagram!
- Valued monster drops:
- Bloodangel armor (discontinued?)
- Normal Pentagrams
- Bless / Soul / Life / Creation
- Excellent items
- Valued boss drops:
- Normal / Unique Pentagrams
- Socket items +3 ~ +5

Monster level 115
- Health: 68,000
- ATK DMG: 730 ~ 760
- ELE DMG: 700 ~ 730
- ATK Rate: 1,000
- DEF: 630
- ELE DEF: 420
- DEF Rate: 300
Monster level 117
- Health: 75,000
- ATK DMG: 770 ~ 800
- ELE DMG: 740 ~ 770
- ATK Rate: 1,000
- DEF: 650
- ELE DEF: 440
- DEF Rate: 320
Monster level 119
- Health: 80,000
- ATK DMG: 810 ~ 840
- ELE DMG: 780 ~ 810
- ATK Rate: 1,000
- DEF: 680
- ELE DEF: 460
- DEF Rate: 310
- Boss zone coords: (?, ?)
- The boss area will be blocked off if characters go near Lord Silvester.
- The objects blocking the boss area cannot be destroyed.
- If there are no characters near Lord Silvester for 60 seconds, the entrances reopen and Lord Silvester fully recovers his HP.

Monster level 180
- Health: 8,000,000
- ATK DMG: 5,000 ~ 6,000
- ELE DMG: 1,700 ~ 2,300
- ATK Rate: 6,000
- DEF: 1,400
- ELE DEF: 700
- DEF Rate: 4,000
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: ? hours
- ATK/WIZ DMG: ? ~ ?
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- Stun - has a chance to cause Stun debuff.
- Tornado - causes AOE damage and knock-back.
- Wind Curse - decreases HP by 20% and knock-back.
- Call of Wind- Used at 70%, 50%, and 20% remaining HP. Summons 3 monsters. Lord Silvester is invisible while these monsters are alive.
- Recover - Regenerates HP if no player is near the boss.
Lord Silvester...
Owned by Izak Thompson
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