Raklion is a dangerous ice plain, host to Selupan's Hatchery! The Hatchery is an ancient ice cavern, the breeding grounds of Selupan, a wicker boss monster whom hoards the treasures of fallen warriors. Many will try to challenge her for prestige and loot, but only few will be able to survive! The Hatchery is located in the south-west of the ice plains. Inside, you'll occasionally find that Selupan has laid her eggs inside the cavern. Dare to attack her eggs, and you will surely summon the mighty Selupan! Gather friends and other adventures to help take her down, and perhaps you will be rewarded with great loot!
- Requires character level 380 to enter or warp.
- Recommended for characters level 380 ~ 750.
- Valued monster drops:
- Bless / Soul / Life / Creation
- Excellent items
- Socket items
- Valued special monster drops:
- Box of Kundun
- Valued boss drops:
- Excellent items
- Socket items +3 ~ +5

Monster level 102
- Health: 68,000
- ATK DMG: 1,310 ~ 1,965
- ATK Rate: 1,190
- DEF: 615
- DEF Rate: 800
Monster level 112
- Health: 77,000
- ATK DMG: 1,441 ~ 2,017
- ATK Rate: 1,350
- DEF: 585
- DEF Rate: 840
Monster level 122
- Health: 84,000
- ATK DMG: 1,585 ~ 2,060
- ATK Rate: 1,570
- DEF: 620
- DEF Rate: 770
Monster level 132
- Health: 88,000
- ATK DMG: 1,743 ~ 2,092
- ATK Rate: 1,940
- DEF: 650
- DEF Rate: 840
Monster level 140
- Health: 237,000
- ATK DMG: 1,741 ~ 2,317
- ATK Rate: 2,240
- DEF: 785
- DEF Rate: 1,440
Monster level 142
- Health: 95,000
- ATK DMG: 1,917 ~ 2,301
- ATK Rate: 2,000
- DEF: 660
- DEF Rate: 800
Monster level 143
- Health: 254,000
- ATK DMG: 1,885 ~ 2,360
- ATK Rate: 2,647
- DEF: 820
- DEF Rate: 970
Monster level 145
- Health: 248,000
- ATK DMG: 2,043 ~ 2,392
- ATK Rate: 2,142
- DEF: 850
- DEF Rate: 1,440
Monster level 148
- Health: 265,000
- ATK DMG: 2,217 ~ 2,601
- ATK Rate: 2,441
- DEF: 860
- DEF Rate: 1,430
Monster level 142
- Health: 95,000
- ATK DMG: 1,900 ~ 2,300
- ATK Rate: 2,000
- DEF: 660
- DEF Rate: 800
Monster level 145
- Health: 200,000
- ATK DMG: 1,740 ~ 3,000
- ATK Rate: 1,940
- DEF: 650
- DEF Rate: 840
- Boss zone coords: (172, 24)
- Add more details about boss zone...

Monster level 145
- Health: 4,800,000
- ATK DMG: 2,500 ~ 3,000
- ATK Rate: 2,200
- DEF: 1,250
- DEF Rate: 2,200
- Difficulty: ?
- Respawn time: 24 hours
- ATK/WIZ DMG: ? ~ ?
- DEF: ?
Skills & Abilities
- ?: ...
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