This system allows users to dig for Jewels of Bless in mining areas after equipping a Pandora Pick. When mining, the item's durability will decrease and can only be restored by using Jewel of Bless on the item. There are three kinds of mining areas which decrease the item's durability by different amounts, but also contain different amounts of obtainable Jewels of Bless. Rumor has it that the goddess Pandora watches over these mines and randomly gifts players with massive amounts of Jewel of Bless.
- You can only see mining spots if Pandora Pick is equipped.
- Pandora Pick is sold via NPC Weapons Merchant Bolo, located in Karutan @(119, 127).
- Mining areas are located in the safe-zone of the following maps: Lost Tower, Tarkan, Aida, Swamp of Peace, Raklion, and Cubera Mine.
- Mining spots can be mined up to five times consecutively; however, there is a chance to fail each mining attempt.
- Every time you successfully mine a spot, you can choose to either claim the jewels you have mined or attempt to continue mining.
- If you fail to mine a spot, all the jewels you've mined so far will be lost.
- After five successful mining attempts, the jewels are automatically collected and there is a very small chance to obtain Pandora's Gift!

Images of successful mining attempts.
A merchant NPC. Bolo sells mid-level weapon items for various classes. He also sells the Pandora's Pick item, used in Bless Mining.
Costs x100,000 Zen.
*Pandora Pick is sold with 1/255 durability.
Pandora's Pick durability...
x10 jewel of bless restores 40 durability.
x50 jewel of bless restores 200 durability.
Purple spots decrease durability by 4.
Gold spots decrease durability by 8.
Each mining attempt will decrease the pickaxe's durability, which can only be repaired with Jewel of Bless...
Durability is repaired with Jewel of Bless...
x1 jewel of bless restores 4 durability.x10 jewel of bless restores 40 durability.
x50 jewel of bless restores 200 durability.
Durability is decreased when mining...
Blue spots decrease durability by 2.Purple spots decrease durability by 4.
Gold spots decrease durability by 8.

Each mining spots has a max amount of Jewel of Bless.
Up to x33 jewels max...

1st attempt: (47.5% chance)
- x1 jewel total
- x3 jewels total
- x7 jewels total
- x16 jewels total
- x33 jewels total
*2.57% chance to successfully mine all jewels...
*0.06425% chance to obtain Pandora's Gift...
Up to x67 jewels max...

1st attempt: (47.5% chance)
- x2 jewel total
- x6 jewels total
- x15 jewels total
- x34 jewels total
- x67 jewels total
*2.41% chance to successfully mine all jewels...
*0.04579% chance to obtain Pandora's Gift...
Up to x125 jewels max...

1st attempt: (47.5% chance)
- x4 jewel total
- x12 jewels total
- x29 jewels total
- x65 jewels total
- x125 jewels total
*2.52% chance to successfully mine all jewels...
*0.04536% chance to obtain Pandora's Gift...
If you manage to successfully mine all five attempts on the spot, there is a very small chance to obtain an additional reward known as Pandora's Gift.
Blue spot: (2.5% chance)
- x100 Jewel of Bless
- x400 Jewel of Bless
- x1,000 Jewel of Bless

The game will announce a server message if a character receives Pandora's Gift:
[Character Name] has obtained Jewel of Bless [#] from Channel [#] in [Map Name]!
[Character Name] has obtained Jewel of Bless [#] from Channel [#] in [Map Name]!
- All Jewel Pockets respawn after about 30 seconds.
- Pandora Pick must have at least 2 Durability to attempt mining the smallest Jewel Pocket.
- If you disconnect from the game before you are able to claim the mined Jewels of Bless, you will lose all of the Jewel of Bless that were mined.
- When you collect the jewels, the mining spot will disappear and then respawn after about 10 seconds.
- Each spot has the same probability of success when mining the first two attempts.
- The purple spots have the lowest probability of success per its return, and is not recommended to attempt to mine them at all.
Occasionally, you can obtain a loot box from promotional events which contains a Pandora's Pick with random durability.
Pandora's Box...
- 12 durability (52% chance)
- 20 durability (36% chance)
- 40 durability (9.3% chance)
- 80 durability (1.6% chance)
- 120 durability (0.6% chance)
- 160 durability (0.3% chance)
- 200 durability (0.2% chance)
Page updated October 18, 2024 || b2023.09.11.001
Owned by Izak Thompson
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