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The Dark Raven and Dark Horse can only be commanded by the Dark Lord character class. To craft them, you'll need to find their spirit bottle which is obtained by killing monsters. If you bring the spirit bottle to NPC Trainer, she can attempt to resurrect it!
- 60% Success Rate
- Required ingredients:
- Soul of Dark Spirit
- Jewel of Bless x2
- Jewel of Soul x2
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Chaos
- Zen x1,000,000
- 60% Success Rate
- Required ingredients:
- Soul of Dark Horse
- Jewel of Bless x5
- Jewel of Soul x5
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Chaos
- Zen x5,000,000
- If the combination succeeds:
- A Lv1 pet/mount item is created.
- Dark Raven: +Pet Option is randomly rolled.
- All other items in the combination are consumed.
- If combination fails:
- All items in the combination are destroyed.
- Soul of Dark Spirit can be obtained by killing monsters at least Level 96.
- Soul of Dark Horse can be obtained by killing monsters at least Level 102.
You can resurrect the Phantasmal Steed from its seal to obtain your first guardian item!
100% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Seal of Phantasmal Steed x1
- Fragment of Resurrection x10
- Jewel of Bless x5
- Zen x1,000,000
If the crafting is successful, all items are consumed and...
- a Phantasmal Steed is crafted.
- Item level +0
- x1 ~ x3 additional options.
- Random 'Elite Resistance Options.'
This crafting recipe cannot fail.
*Seal of Phantasmal Steed and Fragment of Resurrection can be obtained via Guardian Pet Box.
Guardian items can have their +Item Level increased up to +15!
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +0
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x1
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x150,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +1
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x3
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x300,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +2
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x5
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x450,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +3
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x7
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x600,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +4
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x9
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x750,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +5
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x11
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x900,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +6
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x13
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,050,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +7
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x15
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,200,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +8
- Guardian Upgrade Stone x17
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,350,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +9
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x1
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,500,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +10
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x?
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,650,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +11
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x?
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,800,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +12
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x?
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x1,950,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +13
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x?
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x2,100,000
70% Success Rate
Required ingredients
- Guardian item +14
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone x?
- Jewel of Life x1
- Zen x2,250,000
If the crafting is successful, all items are consumed and...
- the guardian item's level is increases by one.
If the crafting fails, all items (except the guardian item) are destroyed and...
- if the guardian item's level is +0 ~ +8:
- it's level decreases by one.
- if the guardian item's level is +9 ~ +14:
- it's level resets to +0.
*Guardian Upgrade Stone can be obtained via Guardian Pet Box, and Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone can additionally be obtained by killing monsters in an Elite Zone.
You can freely attempt to change your Guardian's +Elite Resistance Option, so long as you have an Elite Option Conversion Stone.
- 100% Success Rate
- Required ingredients:
- Guardian item
- Elite Option Conversion Stone
- If the combination succeeds:
- Guardian item +Elite Resistance Option is randomly rerolled.
- Elite Guardian Conversion Stone is consumed.
- The combination cannot fail.
Guardians can be transformed into even more powerful beasts!
- Guardian +11*
- Guardian Seal item
- Jewel of Soul x20
- Jewel of Bless x20
- Jewel of Creation x1
- Jewel of Chaos x1
- Item +11: 60% chance
- Item +12: 70% chance
- Item +13: 80% chance
- Item +14: 90% chance
- Item +15: 100% chance
- Phantasmal Steed ➡ Ice Dragon requires Ice Dragon Seal.
- Ice Dragon ➡ Fierce Lion requires Fierce Lion Seal.
- Fierce Lion ➡ Shining Tail requires Shining Tail Seal.
- Guardian transforms into the next tier:
- Item level will be +0.
- Additional options are rerolled.
- 'Elite Resistance Options' are rerolled.
- All other items in the combination disappear.
- Guardian item level decreases to +0.
- All other items in the combination disappear.
- Guardian Seals are sold via NPC Priest James. (x50,000 Ruud each)
- If you transform a guardian item with x3 additional options, it will always have at least x2 additional options when transformed.
This information has changed as of Season 14.
Owned by Izak Thompson
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