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[Arka War] is an epic capture-the-flag style battle between 6 guilds!
![[Sir Lesnar]](
- Located in [Lorencia] @(114, 131).
- Located in [Noria] @(183, 126).
- Located in [Devias] @(240, 53)
- Talk to NPC [Sir Lesnar] to register for [Arka War].
- [Guild Master] may submit [Sign of lord] to him as registration.
![[Sign of lord]](
- [Mini-game Ticket] item
- Used as part of the registration process of the [Arka War] and [Castle Siege] [Mini-game].
- Dropped by any monsters.
- Can be stacked up to (x255).
Story line about Arka War...
This [Mini-game] requires the [Guilds] to register in advance of the actual starting time of the [Mini-game]. [Guild Masters] can register their [Guild] by speaking with NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- [Guild Master]:
- Register [Sign of lord] via NPC.
- Register [Guild] via NPC.
- [Guild Members]:
- Register as participating [Guild Member] via NPC.
- At least (x2) [Guilds] must register in order for the [Mini-game] to start.
- [Guilds] must have at least (x10) [Guild Members] register, in order to participate in the [Mini-game].
- A max of (x20) [Guild Members], per [Guild], may register.
- A max of (x6) [Guilds] will be allowed to participate.
- The participating [Guilds] are determined based on the amount of [Sign of lord] submitted during the [Sign of lord Registration] period.
- A [Guild] cannot withdraw from the [Mini-game] after the [Guild Master Registration] process.
- [Party] is allowed and can be formed inside the [Mini-game] map.
- Any character with a [PK Status] can not participate.
- Combat adjustments:
- Upon character death, the character respawns with the following [Debuff] effect:
- [Decreased Movement Speed]
- [Duration]: 90 seconds
- No other penalty upon character death applies, except for the [Debuff].
- You do not need to use [Ctrl] to perform attacks on other players.
- You cannot attack ally [Guild Members].
- Upon character death, the character respawns with the following [Debuff] effect:
- Other adjustments:
- Upon death, or when using [Town Portal Scroll], the character warps to the [Mini-game] [Safe-zone].
- A red mark is displayed on enemy [Guild Members]
- A blue mark is displayed on ally [Guild Members].
- [Character Commands], such as trade, are disabled.
- [Personal Store] is disabled.
- [Warp Command] is disabled.
- [Guild] commands are disabled.
This is a time line of the [Mini-game] process which takes place over the entire week, including its registration process. Registered [Guild Members] may enter the [Mini-game] during the [Preparation Period] and after the [Mini-game] starts.
- Before [Tuesday] @01:00 (UTC):
- [Sign of Lord Registration]
- [Guilds] must submit [Sign of lord] in attempt to register their [Guild].
- At least (x10) [Sign of lord] must be registered to qualify.
- [Guild Members] can submit [Sign of lord] by talking to NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- Only [Guild Members] with a [Rank] of [Battle Guardian] may submit [Sign of Lord].
- Only the top (x6) [Guilds], which submit the most [Sign of lord], will be able to register.
- [Tuesday] @01:00 ~ @01:10 (UTC):
- [Guild Master Registration]
- Qualifying [Guilds] must register their [Guild] during this period.
- Only [Guild Masters] can register for their [Guild] during this period.
- [Guild Masters] can register their [Guild] by talking to NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- [Tuesday] @01:10 ~ @01:20 (UTC):
- [Guild Member Registration]
- Each participating [Guild Member] must register during this period.
- At least (x10) [Guild Members] must be registered in order for the [Guild] to be qualified.
- The status of the [Guild] rankings can be checked via NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- [Tuesday] @01:20 ~ @01:23 (UTC)
- Participating [Guilds] are announced.
- [Tuesday] @01:23 ~ @01:28 (UTC)
- [Preparation Period]
- Participants may enter the [Mini-game] by speaking to NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- Participants may prepare and wait in the [Mini-game] [Safe-zone], during this period.
- [Tuesday] @01:28 ~ @01:58 (UTC)
- [Arka War] battle begins!
- Participants may still enter the [Mini-game] by speaking to NPC [Sir Lesnar].
- The team which captures and holds an [Obelisk] until the end of this period will win rewards.
- [Tuesday] @01:58 ~ @02:00 (UTC)
- [Conclusion Period]
- The earned rewards are seen during this period.
- All participants are automatically warped to [Lorencia] after this period.
[Mini-game] [Map]:
- The [Mini-game] takes place in a duplicated map of [Acheron].
- The [Mini-game] map only has three [Acheron] areas: [Alkmar], [Ubaid], and [Debenter].
- The center of each area is called the [Obelisk Area].
- Only two [Obelisk Areas] will have one random [Obelisk] spawned.
![[Obelisk Area]](
[Preparation Period]:
- During this period, players must speak to [Sir Lesnar] to enter the [Mini-game] map.
- You will be able to see the location of the Obelisk on the [Battle Status] Menu.

[Arka War] start:
- Each [Obelisk Area] will have a random [Obelisk] spawned.
- (x10) [Boss Monsters] will spawn around each [Obelisk].
- The [Boss Monsters] will respawn after 10 minutes.
- Each [Obelisk] and its monsters will have the same randomly generated [Elemental Type].
![[Battle Status] menu](./data/graphics/battle-status.jpg)

Capturing the [Obelisk]:
- Players must travel to the [Obelisk] and destroy it, in order to capture it.
- An [Obelisk] cannot be damaged unless its [Shield Barrier] is disabled.
- [Guild Members] must stand inside each [Barrier], simultaneously, in order to disable the [Shield Barrier].
- If an character leaves a [Barrier], the [Shield Barrier] will be re-enabled.
- While the [Shield Barrier] is disabled, other [Guild Members] must destroy the [Obelisk]!
- When the [Obelisk] is destroyed, it will become [Obelisk (Captured)]!
- When the [Obelisk] is captured, any remaining [Boss Monsters] disappear.
- The [Guild] must then defend the [Obelisk (Captured)] until the end of the [Mini-game]!
Defending the [Obelisk (Captured)]:
- An [Obelisk (Captured)] will not spawn any monsters.
- A [Guild] may still capture another [Guild's] [Obelisk (Captured)].
- The defending [Guild] must kill any enemy [Guild Members] attacking the [Obelisk (Captured)].
- The attacking [Guild] will still need to disable the [Shield Barrier] in order to damage the [Obelisk (Captured)].
- If the attacking [Guild] manages to destroy the [Obelisk (Captured)], it will then be in their control.
![[Obelisk] being captured](./data/graphics/capture-obelisk.jpg)
[Arka War] tips & tricks:
- Use a good [Pentagram] item.
- Join a [Party].
- Use [Buff Items] and [Pet] items.
- Use [AOE] [Skills] to kill groups of monsters/players quickly.
- Use the [Dark Lord] [Summon] [Skill] to move an entire [Party] to areas of the map quickly.
[Arka War] [Event Points]:
- Killing monster: [Event Points] (x5)
- Killing player: [Event Points] (x10)
- Capturing [Obelisk]: [Event Points] (x50)
Winning [Arka War]:
- Steps to complete the [Mini-game]:
- Capture any [Obelisk] before the end of the [Mini-game].
- Defend the [Obelisk (Captured)] until the end of the [Mini-game].

- [HP]: 500,000
- [Elemental Type]: Random
- [DEF]: ?
![[Obelisk]](./data/graphics/Obelisk (Captured).gif)
- [HP]: 300,000
- [Elemental Type]: Random
- [DEF]: ?
These are the [Boss Monsters], which may spawn around an [Obelisk].
- [Monster Level]: [Level 113]
- [Max HP]: 14,000
- [ATK DMG]: 590 ~ 635
- [ATK Rate]: 960
- [DEF]: 545
- [Elemental DMG]: 458 ~ 485
- [Elemental DEF]: 275
- [ELE DEF Rate]: 295
- Immune to normal damage counters.
- [Monster Level]: [Level 113]
- [Max HP]: 11,000
- [ATK DMG]: 600 ~ 630
- [ATK Rate]: 1,020
- [DEF]: 475
- [Elemental DMG]: 467 ~ 483
- [Elemental DEF]: 285
- [ELE DEF Rate]: 305
- Immune to normal damage counters.
- [Monster Level]: [Level 113]
- [Max HP]: 12,000
- [ATK DMG]: 620 ~ 655
- [ATK Rate]: 1,020
- [DEF]: 515
- [Elemental DMG]: 463 ~ 486
- [Elemental DEF]: 305
- [ELE DEF Rate]: 315
- Immune to normal damage counters.
- [Monster Level]: [Level 113]
- [Max HP]: 11,500
- [ATK DMG]: 635 ~ 675
- [ATK Rate]: 1,020
- [DEF]: 475
- [Elemental DMG]: 495 ~ 512
- [Elemental DEF]: 325
- [ELE DEF Rate]: 315
- Immune to normal damage counters.
- [Monster Level]: [Level 113]
- [Max HP]: 13,100
- [ATK DMG]: 600 ~ 635
- [ATK Rate]: 950
- [DEF]: 495
- [Elemental DMG]: 472 ~ 500
- [Elemental DEF]: 290
- [ELE DEF Rate]: 315
- Immune to normal damage counters.
- [Trophies of War] (x1)
- [Trophies of War] (x1)
Killing [Boss Monsters] will earn you [Gens] [Contribution Points]!
- Killing monster: [Contribution Points] (x30)
- Killing player: [Contribution Points] (x?)
Individual characters will earn [EXP], based on the amount of [Event Points] earned during the [Mini-game].
- At least (x10) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x300,000)
- (x11) ~ (x50) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x500,000)
- (x51) ~ (x100) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x700,000)
- (x101) ~ (x300) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x1,000,000)
- (x301) ~ (x500) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x2,000,000)
- At least (x501) [Event Points]: [EXP] (x3,000,000)
All [Guild Members] of the [Guild] will earn a [Buff], for one week, based on the [Elemental Type] of the captured [Obelisk].
- [EXP] [+20%] in [Acheron].
- Monsters in [Alkmar] and [Ubaid] may drop [Ancient Items].
- [Fire Obelisk]:
- [Skill DMG] [+25]
- [Fire Type] [Pentagram] [ELE DMG] and [ELE DEF] [+5%].
- [Water Obelisk]:
- [DEF] [+50]
- [Water Type] [Pentagram] [ELE DMG] and [ELE DEF] [+5%].
- [Wind Obelisk]:
- [Critical DMG] Chance [+5%]
- [Wind Type] [Pentagram] [ELE DMG] and [ELE DEF] [+5%].
- [Earth Obelisk]:
- [DMG] [+30]
- [Earth Type] [Pentagram] [ELE DMG] and [ELE DEF] [+5%].
- [Darkness Obelisk]:
- [Reduce DMG] [+10%]
- [Darkness Type] [Pentagram] [ELE DMG] and [ELE DEF] [+5%].
[Trophies of War] may be exchanged with NPC [Sir Lesnar] for rewards!
- [Trophies of War] (x1) ~ (x10):
- [55% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [100% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Guardian Angel]
- [Imp]
- [Uniria]
- [Large SD Potion] (x1)
- [Large Complex Potion] (x?)
- [Jewel of Chaos] (x10)
- [55% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x11) ~ (x20):
- [55% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [100% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Jewel of Chaos] (x1)
- [Jewel of Creation] (x1)
- [Jewel of Harmony] (x1)
- [High Refining Stone] (x1)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x10)
- [Small Box of Errtel]
- [55% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x21) ~ (x30):
- [55% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [100% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Jewel of Soul] (x1)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x1)
- [Jewel of Life] (x1)
- [Jewel of Guardian] (x1)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x10)
- [55% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x31) ~ (x40):
- [55% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [100% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- Any [Stat Fruit]
- [Jewel of Bless] (x10)
- [55% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x41) ~ (x50):
- [50% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [95% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Seed (Water)]
- [Seed (Water)]
- [Talisman of Luck]
- [50% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x51) ~ (x60):
- [50% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [95% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Jewel of Chaos] (x10)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x10)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x10)
- [Jewel of Creation] (x10)
- [Jewel of Life] (x10)
- [Jewel of Guardian] (x10)
- [Jewel of Harmony] (x10)
- [50% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x61) ~ (x70):
- [50% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [95% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Seed (Ice)]
- [Seed (Earth)]
- [Talisman of Luck]
- [50% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x71) ~ (x80):
- [45% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [90% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Jewel of Chaos] (x20)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x20)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x20)
- [Jewel of Creation] (x20)
- [Jewel of Life] (x20)
- [Jewel of Guardian] (x20)
- [Jewel of Harmony] (x20)
- [Condor Feather]
- [45% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x81) ~ (x90):
- [45% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [90% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Seed (Lightning)]
- [Seed (Fire)]
- [Condor Feather]
- [Talisman of Luck]
- [45% Success Rate]
- [Trophies of War] (x91) ~ (x100):
- [45% Success Rate]
- [+5%] per [Trophies of War]
- [90% Success Rate] max
- (x1) Possible Item:
- [Jewel of Chaos] (x30)
- [Jewel of Soul] (x30)
- [Jewel of Bless] (x30)
- [Jewel of Creation] (x30)
- [Jewel of Life] (x30)
- [Jewel of Guardian] (x30)
- [Jewel of Harmony] (x30)
- [Condor Feather]
- [45% Success Rate]
Page updated October 18, 2024 || b2023.09.11.001
Owned by Izak Thompson
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